
I’m Benebell Wen, author of I Ching, The Oracle (North Atlantic Books, September 2023).

I’ve previously published Holistic Tarot (2015) and The Tao of Craft (2016), also through North Atlantic Books.

I’m the creator and illustrator of the independently produced Spirit Keeper’s Tarot deck, which you can order direct from this website.

Order the

2024 Metaphysician’s Day Planner

Order the 2024 Metaphysician’s Day Planner, which comes with all my astrological forecasts for the year head, a handbook on how to optimize your organizer to achieve all your goals, a workbook with step by step instructions on how to use your birth chart and solar returns chart to cast your own personalized forecasts, and a dozen+ cover art options.

SKT: Revelation decks are still available!

Orders are processed and packed within five (5) calendar days of your date of order. We ship out for delivery every Monday and Wednesday.

Order the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot: Revelation


FREE DOWNLOAD of Kuan Yin’s Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒. You can also download the above high-res religious art print featuring the Mantra in Siddam Sanskrit, and an invocation of Kuan Yin in Traditional Chinese.

An online tarot course taught from my book Holistic Tarot. Begin the course by watching the video lectures, all freely available on YouTube.

Learn Tarot with Holistic Tarot (Video Playlist)

I also offer a structured, self-paced tarot tutorial series. This tarot tutorial is a companion course to Holistic Tarot, meaning it’s keyed to the contents of that book. While someone proficient with the tarot can follow along the above-linked video playlist with complete ease, it may be more difficult for a total beginner, unless that total beginner has my book and is following the free course syllabuses provided here, “Holistic Tarot Study Guides.”

If, however, you’ve got a handy copy of Holistic Tarot and you’d like a self-paced, guided, well-structured tarot beginner course, then start by downloading the “Study Guide for Tarot Beginners” (PDF) check out the below linked Companion Course, and go from there.

Holistic Tarot: A Companion Course

A free online tarot course taught from my book Holistic Tarot. Enter the companion course at any level–beginner, intermediate, or advanced. Organize a tarot journal in a three-ring binder by downloading the study guides and handouts. Begin the course by watching the video lectures.

Sightsee the Tarot

Take a tour of the tarot with this ongoing educational video series. Discover new books and tarot thought leaders. Workshop classic tarot spreads or specialized reading techniques. Let’s explore all the different perspectives of tarot reading through the ages. This video course series of hands-on tarot workshops, 10 to 30 minutes at a time, will introduce you to a diverse range of approaches to the cards.

Sightsee the Tarot Video Series Page

Many of the video workshops include free tarot resources, reference charts, handouts, and workbooks for free download, so be sure to check the Series Page linked above.


Tarot Card Meanings with Bell

This is an educational video series covering the 78 keys or cards of the tarot, showcasing the distinct attributions for four different deck systems: the Tarot de Marseilles (TdM), the Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS), the Thoth deck by Crowley-Harris, and my own deck, the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot.

Using audio-visual learning methods, the series facilitates reading fluency with the four listed tarot systems. The card by card primer is designed to help with memory retention in a more visually engaging way than studying them out of a book.


Be sure to check the Series Page linked above to download free references, correspondence tables, video transcript, recommended reading or study techniques, and more.


CLICK HERE to look through hundreds of tarot and oracle deck reviews.

Free 30-Card SKT Majors+ Deck Download

Download a 30-card black and white version of the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot deck, Vitruvian Edition. This 30-card deck includes The Initiate as Key 0, the Major Arcana, the 4 Aces, and the 4 Archangels (tarot Kings).

Free E-Book: Key of Solomon, et al.

A 560-page digital book for free download. You can also order a physical paperback copy if you’d like.

What you will discover within the pages of this book I’m sharing, you’re going to find to be the keystones of Persian magic and witchcraft, the magical practices of Muslim-influenced Southeast Asian countries, the Golden Dawn (though many of their correspondences differ), hoodoo, Wicca, and maybe even the traditions you’ve inherited, though perhaps you’ve always wondered where those traditions might have come from.

If you’re serious about your occult studies, then I hope you’ll add this text to your library and read through it cover to cover at least once.

CLICK HERE to read more about the book and then download the PDF.

Last Updated: 2019 Oct 12

Glossary of Astrological Terms

This is a free download that has been provided here on this website since 2013. The glossary file was revised and updated, with many pages of new entries and correspondence tables, so if you haven’t downloaded the latest version (last updated October 12, 2019), then be sure to do so.

CLICK HERE for all Free Astrology References.

Last Updated: 2019 Oct 21

Glossary of Gemstone Correspondences

This is a free download that has been provided here on this website since 2016. The glossary file was revised and updated on October 21, 2019, so if you haven’t downloaded the latest version, then be sure to do so.

CLICK HERE to download the PDF and DOCX files of the Glossary.




Note on Web Content Accessibility (per Web Content Accessibility Guidelines): ADA website compliance is important to us, and even as a small business proprietor, just a husband and wife team working from our home, we try our best to make our content accessible. Where there’s audio, there’s closed captioning. Where there are visuals, the corresponding text is the alternative, which can be converted via text-to-speech. If there is ever any confusion or difficulty navigating our website (and to be fair, fully-abled individuals tell us all the time our website is a hot mess and difficult to navigate…), never hesitate to e-mail us at for free one-on-one navigation guidance.

234 thoughts on “Introduction


      I just purchased a copy of Holistic Tarot. It’s an amazing book. However, in Appendix D information about the suit of swords is missing. Could you please email me the missing information. My email address is Thanks in advance for your assistance. Blessed Be


    1. Karla

      I’ve never seen so many free resources given out by an accomplished practitioner, such as herself. She is a saint for giving all of this and being so open with her information, experience and expertise. All of this while maintaining a full time job as a lawyer. She isn’t required to be at our beck and call.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Madhouse Tarot by Eugene Vinitski and Elsa Khapatnukovski – benebell wen

  2. Myrna D Taylor

    I am not able to purchase the spiritkeepers deck using the links provided, there isn’ta full email. PayPal is saying us are r not found. I am trying to buy 1 standard edition and 1 premium edition. Please help. Thanks so much.


    1. Hi Myrna: So very sorry about the inconvenience! Are you using the full e-mail abelldelivers at gmail dot com (using the at symbol and the period in place of the wording)? That’s both the e-mail contact for any inquiries about the order and also our PayPal e-mail. If you’re still having trouble, no worries– just shoot us at email at that address and we’ll walk you through it. ❤


      1. Benjamin Cor Serpentz

        Bene, have a hundred questions for you and ever more dollar$ yet, I’m not broke but in a prison I mean literally. Edging a recovery from criminal thinking reentry program. Hacked a kiosk, drug in an tiger army, jail broke a tablet, tapped into free air from the port, I guess, no matter. Found your blog or what this is your temperance tabaaed you. With the lord of happiness turning me I wish to be freed by the summer of 24. Whatever happens, you have my word, soon as I’m free I will buy your SKT and gift it to a friend that I know will appreciate it. I promise. -Ben(same we have name)


  3. Valerie Bergin

    Hey Bell! I used Zelle. How long does that take to show up on your side? Mine shows it worked, but I haven’t received confirmation. Thank you!


  4. Beverly Mukai

    What an incredible body of work! Excellent research and outstanding, concise presentation of the material. Thank you so much for your hard work. I am enjoying the course so much and look forward to checking out other courses as well. Namo Jiu Tian Xuan Nu


  5. I want to know more information anout jiaobei(筊杯), about where your know it and could you please give me the reference. Because I am writing the graduating essay and need to use it . didn’t find the refernce, but search you on the internet. I will appreciate it very much if youcan give me a replay. Lookig forward your reply and thanks.


  6. It is a nice deck I have written scripts for languages to be used in tarot. I like the changing names of the deck as they are appropriate translations of similar meanings yet not. The feminine aspect gives light to humanities struggle with the functioning body as mammalian and the divine derived by words. Interesting concepts to decipher in tarot.


  7. Real interesting fact about tarot. Traditional you needed permission from the Bhudda to engage in what was either post murder of creators that gave their lives by just living in and around Thebes, an overt meaning of actors. I guess I made it illegal to sell readings because of the original meaning. I instructed some later in reading the written “spread” when I was gone. Fascinating the arrows of presentation of dignified or Ill-dignified told the story. Madam President, Elizabeth II really has a true account of the laws of engagement in Tarot.


  8. Zee

    A while ago i stumbled on your site, and since then i am amazed by all the knowledge you share. Today again i found a oracle set which attract me instantly and information on Chinese metaphysical is amazing.


  9. Hi Jessica,

    We are now making our way through the post Oct. 6 orders. Our ship-out date, meaning when your deck is packaged and sent out by us, is still set at late December.

    You will receive a notification email once your decks are ready to ship. If you have any questions please email Thank you!


  10. Cassa

    I cannot recommend this site enough. Thank you so much for all this Curated free content. Excited to get ur planner and for the reprinting of ur tarot deck!


  11. Dear Bellwen,
    Its been a joy and consolation to learn from you. I am currently using your cards and Book of Maps and finding them to be a great tool for me. Additionally I appreciate the multi-lineage approach to the cards. I would like to join the blog. I am a “mixed race white girl” who had connected, through metaphysics, to my Mexican/Native American heritage, Filipino heritage, Scotts/Irish and German blood. I am a doctor of Oriental Medicine learning toward Taoism, a yogi and a recent defector from my 25 years in a Kabbalistic Group. Your work has helped with that process as you seem to embrace the traditions I hold dear. In answer to the question of preferring a solo or group path, I’d agree that it should ultimately always include a healthy portion of an alone journey. If that isn’t present, one falls prey to corruption and worse, may participate in corruptive practices. For now I believe no group is perfect or perfectly evil. Humans and Beings are mixed and the greatest angel is capable of the largest betrayal and a demon may save a person’s or group’s life. Anyway, I am open to other inquiries. I’d love to join the blog.


  12. Coming from a mixed Asian-American background, I find your work illuminating and personally meaningful. Thank you for making all of this valuable knowledge available. And for Free!

    I do not expect a response from you and am surprised at the amount of entitlement I see here in the comments… as if putting so much on here for free isn’t enough. I understand you are beyond busy and heard in a podcast that you only manage to get about four hours of sleep at night while still managing to do and share this deep work while balancing a full time career. Again, thank you. I will try to support you in the ways I can.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. What a beautiful site! Thank you for sharing your research with us. I was referred here by a friend, and am interested to find you are a lawyer. I am too. I hadn’t thought of tarot as a subject that would be fascinating to lawyers, but …Well, wow! It makes so much sense that it would be. I am deeply inspired by your work, and eager to dig into the resources you have made available.

    Have you encountered Daughters of the Moon tarot? Would you share with me what you think of it?

    Thank you again for you and your work. I hope you are well, and that the earth, wind, fire and water hold you gently. Blessed Be, Lila


  14. Andrea Keener

    I am a long time supporter of your creative work. It seems I am no longer in FB with you and no emails. 🤷🏻‍♀️ In my FB tarot communities I see you’re working in a new deck!! Yay!! So I asked for Friending. I wish you only more success. Thank you. 🙏🏼


  15. Danielle

    Hello! I’m trying to join your waitlist for the spirit tarot deck but it is not working. Are you still looking to produce another edition? This deck is seriously calling to me. Thank you!


    1. Khachaturova Inessa

      Hello dear Benebell Wen⚜️💐⚜️
      Thank you very much for your letter. I’m really booking forward to the second issue of the
      Spirit Keeper’s Tarot. I wanted to purchase 2 decks, for me and my sister. I am ready to pay right now and be sure that my sister and I will receive your Gorgeous decks. Please don’t forget us and let me know your opinion.
      With great respect, Inessa.


  16. Blanca Calleja


    I think someone is trying to impersonate your identity on instagram, with the name of Belllwen, with 3 L.

    Best regards,



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  18. wlchttt___

    Hey there !

    I don’t know if you have another accounts on Instagram or if is all fake accounts , but it seems like fake accounts living messages like “ it seems like you need a read “ and things like that

    One of them is your account name plus ___
    Another one is bel_lwen

    And the other one blocked me , I don’t know anymore

    I DM you but I don’t think you see those

    I try to find a email to send you maybe but didn’t find any ( yet at least )

    Anyways, sorry if is you or if isn’t even helpful


  19. Inessa Khachaturova

    Hello, I am delighted with your Tarot – this is a Masterpiece. Thank you for such amazing work. I really want to have the Tarot of Psyche, please let me know as soon as you have it in stock. I’m really looking forward to it. I wish you and your entire family good health. With great respect, Inessa!


  20. william rutherford

    Hello. Can you advise me of how to properly dispose of my drawings and sketches of goddesses and sacred images, and my practice Lo Shu squares etc. It feels strange to trash these things.
    Thank you for your time, and all that you do!


  21. Carol Lowman

    Hello Benebell,
    I would love to have a Tarot card reading by you. I live in New York. In-person or virtual is fine.
    Please let me know at your convenience, I’ve submitted my email address as is required to reply to you here. Thanks very much, Carol Lowman


  22. I was inspired by your beautiful light.

    I’m a mexican magician, mechatronics engineer, musician, mathematician & composer.

    Im very honored to have read your messages and love through tarot.


  23. There is a wealth of study material here, much of it free. As a blogger on the subject of divination who also provides free content, I appreciate this greatly. I’ve been wanting to ramp up my I Ching work and am eagerly awaiting I Ching, The Oracle (I’ve worked with the Wilhelm translation for decades).


  24. somagic79

    On the divination mat of the I Ching, why the 36 specific hexagrams within the inner circle?? I love your work but here I’m confused.


  25. Rob Clark

    I’ve used a copy of the Wilhelm Baynes book since the mid eighties. I’m also familiar with Mr Legge’s work.
    I’ve just pre-ordered your book. I look forward to another perspective.


  26. Anonymous

    hey Benebell. Just wanted to say thanks for being you. I feel blessed to be in the same time era as you. As a woman of color i appreciate the support, advice, knowledge and love you pour into everyone.


  27. Anonymous

    I’m grateful to have found such a great well of information from this amazing lady, as someone who enjoys continuously learning about ancient wisdom and occult practices. I will support her channels and look forward to the content she produces. I’m in admiration that someone would find the time to explore such a wide range of topics. I hope that, as we’re all guests on someone’s webpage to benefit from the work that she has put forth, we can manage to stay respectful. The amount of dedication and labor represented here is unmatched.



  28. Anonymous

    in your video on Taoism: a decolonized Introduction, 10:06 the part of Shen /Kami that was missing an English translation should reach as “earth immortal”.


  29. Anonymous

    Hi, I’m impressed by your style. You seem quite versed in ancient China. I am reading a book called the “Secret Power of Music” by David Tame. He goes into much depth of how Early Chinese dynasties revered music as the key to order in the kingdom and happy living. They tightly governed what type of music was allowed. Do you have any knowledge of this or resources I could follow up on?


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