Personal Energy Audit: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical

This was something I found helpful from a leadership workshop I participated in, and so I would like to share it with you. I believe the original source or credit goes to Tony Schwartz in The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working (2011).

It’s a personal energy audit worksheet, and then based on your self-assessed scores, set goals and commit to practices that will raise your energy levels in these four fields: spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical.

Download the Worksheet


We often talk about productivity and time management, when really perhaps the conversation should be focused on productivity and energy levels. If you don’t have sufficient energy to invest in your endeavors, then it’s harder to be productive. So you want to make sure you have sufficient energy, at all times.

This worksheet helps you to audit and assess your energy levels, and thus immediately implement changes as needed to raise your energy levels in the areas where they are low.

My total score out of 100 was 93, which was high compared to my peers. I wonder if people’s perception of my high productivity has to do with the fact that I cultivate high energy levels in these four quadrants. So it’s not about how I manage time, but it has always been about how I increase the amount of energy I have to give.

I scored the lowest in Physical Energy, and the audit compelled me to confront my lack of daily physical exercise. So now I’m going to be a lot more proactive about getting in that daily amount of physical activity. I also scored myself low on taking regular breaks, stretching, and moving around during work sessions, and I could do a bit better at ensuring more restful nightly sleep.

That’s why I love this audit worksheet — it immediately forces you to confront the areas you need to do better in, and gives you a list of actionable items to implement, pronto.

The last page of the worksheet provides a checklist of suggested activities for raising each of the four energy levels. This list is by no means intended to be exhaustive, but rather is a starting point only for beginning to think about ways you can increase the energy level in the quadrant you scored low in.

If you’re reading this blog, then I’m guessing you’re as deep into spiritual and metaphysical practices as I am, so ways of increasing energy levels in these four quadrants can be keyed to such practices.

For example, to raise Physical Energy levels, focus on holistic wellness, like integrating basic Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic tenets into what and how you eat, or committing to more routine goals of getting in yoga or qi gong sessions. By the way, no need to spend money if you’re on a shoestring budget; YouTube has tons of free follow-along videos for beginner’s yoga and qi gong exercises.

Recommendation: I’ve been loving the qi gong follow-alongs on Wellness with Yan‘s YouTube channel. If you do end up watching any of her videos, please make sure to leave a positive, supportive comment to let her know that she’s appreciated! =)

When it comes to either Mental Energy or Emotional Energy levels, especially if you’re a tarot reader, scroll through these past Sightsee the Tarot videos and try out the ones that most interest you. And to raise Spiritual Energy, personally my whole reason for the SKT Book of Readings was to help elevate your reservoir of spiritual energy.

This free Shadow Work workbook download is also helpful in raising your energy levels. For additional reading, check out this article (and companion video): “Cultivate Qi and How to Strengthen Your Life Force: Essential Guide to All Metaphysicians.”

Follow the Worksheet with a Tarot (& I Ching) Reading

For funsies, follow up the personal energy audit worksheet with a tarot reading. I like to separate out the Fire, Water, Air, and Earth cards (Majors & Minors) into four separate piles, shuffle each pile, and pull two cards from each pile.

The two cards I draw from the Fire card pile provide a reading of my Spiritual Energy. The two cards from the Water card pile provide a reading of my Emotional Energy. Air cards correspond with Mental Energy and Earth cards correspond with Physical Energy.

Since I am doing two-card paired readings, for each Energy quadrant I also get an I Ching hexagram reading. This would be a perfect opportunity to utilize those I Ching Oracle Cards.

19 thoughts on “Personal Energy Audit: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, Physical

  1. Pingback: 精神、情緒、心理、身體 – benebell wen - FanFare Holistic Blog

  2. hermitsmirror

    I love this! Thank you!

    I’m leading a Readings as a Ritual of Self-Care seminar on Saturday so it’s good to see some of my readings and applications affirmed in this format. I’ll be sure to point people to this blog post so they have a more “rational” resource to pair with their divinations.

    I hope you’re doing amazing!


    Liked by 2 people

      1. K.Demoro

        An energy audit is perfect for me at this time, as I’m trying to learn how to pace myself as I work on(hopefully one day) recovery from long covid.

        Thanks for sharing this with folks.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Angie Hennessey

    This is so great, thank you! I recently gifted a friend of mine your I-Ching book and when I was explaining who you were and what I’ve found your work to be like I said, “I can’t believe she does so many things so well in such quick succession. I’m convinced that she’s secretly 3 people.” 😂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Angie Hennessey

        If I turned into 3 people, the only noticeable difference would be that the food in the house would disappear faster. 😂 My husband would be like, “Where are all the potatoes going?!”


  4. Anonymous

    Benebell – I am always astonished by how much you know, and how generously you share. This Energy Audit comes at just the right time, as I am developing a coaching practice with “Creative Energetics” at its core. What a synchronicity! I have to ask, is Tony Schwartz totally cool with having this be in the public domain?




    1. I’m not sure what you mean or are implying by this comment. I don’t know anything about the copyright status of Schwartz’s book but I presume it’s not in the public domain. The worksheets from that conference I attended are adapted from ideas found in the book. You can also find several different but similar variations of these worksheets online.


        1. Ah, thank you for the clarification. The initial comment was perceived to have other implications. Any work I’ve contributed or shared in this post is totally free for anyone to use for any purpose, but I cannot speak for or vouch for anybody else’s proprietary work. ❤


  5. Anonymous

    Synchronicity again… Do you read my mind? Just yesterday I’ve been thinking how I’m constantly running low on energy and that I need to find some ways to replenish it.

    And yes, I was also thinking about asking you how you organize a typical day or week in order to get so much done. You are right, it’s energy levels, really. When people are depressed or maybe just ill, they find it hard to accomplish the most basic tasks. Not because they are unwilling, lazy or stupid, but because they are exhausted in on area of their life.

    Liked by 1 person

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  7. Anonymous

    Hi, have you hear of the practice

    Prajna Akasa Garbha, slow movements with visualisation for each movement and chant, the practitioner should move so slow you think there standing still, Chinese vajrayana buddhism practice long enough you could become enlightened, moving into emptiness and then be beyond

    John 🙏🙏🙏amituofu 阿米陀佛


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