The Tarot World 2010 – 2019: Decade in Review

The Fountain Tarot

Reflecting on this last decade, from 2010 to 2019, is on everybody’s minds. And I’ve been thinking about how the tarot world has evolved through these years.

Balancing the paragraphs of text will be photos of decks published in the 2010s that I’ve reviewed in the past. Please know that the placement of images will not relate in any way with the text around it– after having written this piece, I went back and inserted the images at random. (Oh, and click on any of the photos to read my review of the pictured deck.)

Tarot Mucha

While I get into a little social commentary here, I do want to emphasize that I’m speaking from my perspective only, so I can only report what I experienced through the decades (yep, I want to start with the last decade, 2000 to 2009). How old I was, where I was in my life, what my primary interests were at any given time– all of that factors in to my experiences and interactions with the tarot world.

Mary-El Tarot.

First, let’s talk about the decade prior: 2000 to 2009. I was in my 20s, still in school for much of this decade and invariably broke, which meant I really wasn’t buying a whole lot of decks and was not deck collecting. Each and every single one of my deck purchases had to be thoughtful. I couldn’t sort of like it before I  bought it; I had to love it. I had to be anxious, falling out of my seat with excitement, ready to forego lunch for the next month to have that deck.

LXXXI Quareia Magician’s Deck

And yet I can’t recall many instances during that decade where I had the opportunity to see the entire deck and every single card in that deck prior to purchase. It was always a leap of faith. I’d see maybe a handful of the cards and then would just have to hope for the best.

Dame Darcy Tarot (First Edition)

I also don’t recall being too concerned, as a consumer, with deck production quality. I focused my attention on the art, who the deck creator was, the deck’s premise or theme, that kind of thing. It was pretty much assumed it’d come in a shitty tuck box and no one felt entitled to anything better than that. Gilding wasn’t really a thing, at least not widely so.

Healers of the Earth Oracle

At this time, I think I had heard of New Agey oracle decks before, maybe, vaguely, but I don’t believe my first oracle deck purchase came until this decade, after 2010. The tarot bloggers, deck reviewers, list-servs, etc. that I was following didn’t really talk about oracle decks. I’m trying hard to remember if I even saw oracle decks at Barnes & Noble back then. I’m thinking no? Or at least I most certainly didn’t see them? Psycards maybe would have been the extent to which I had heard of oracle decks.

The Wild Unknown Tarot

When I think of the “online tarot community” at this time, I think of Aeclectic. The Aeclectic Tarot Forum would continue to go strong into this current decade, at least until 2017, but we’re certainly going to be starting the new decade, effective 2020, without even an Aeclectic-like pillar.

The Infinity Tarot

From 2000 to 2010, the online world was referred to as the blogosphere, and already that tells you what the focus was: text. As a tarot consumer, I had far more access to lengthy, in-depth, serious reviews of decks, whereas today, it’s so photography and video oriented that all I see are deck walk-throughs and ooh-ahh “commentary” that never go deep, or literally just a bunch of pretty pictures and that’s it. No substantive, probing, provocative critique of the deck itself.

The Efflorescent Tarot

I also think of list-servs, like Yahoo Groups. In terms of what I was personally and directly exposed to, they tended to be more substantive in discussions on the tarot. For example, people would debate about tarot history, argue about the Qabalistic correspondences, or the astrology of tarot, or what does the “W” on the RWS Ace of Cups symbolize. That kind of thing.

I don’t know why exactly I feel this way and I’m not even sure if the facts support my perspective here, but I feel like there was less open consumerism around the tarot back then, 2000 to 2009.

XIII Tarot

The tarot books I was finding at my local Barnes & Noble bookstore would often include advanced tarot topics. You’ll always have the Tarot 101 beginner books on the shelf, and at the time, what I would see on my local bookstore’s shelf would be Eden Gray, Mary K. Greer, and Rachel Pollack. I remember seeing a lot of “Tarot and ___” type titles. There were more offerings of, say, Tarot and the Kabbalah, Tarot and Astrology, Tarot and Dream Interpretation, Tarot and Ceremonial Magick, whole books dedicated just to tarot reversals, even Tarot and the I Ching.

You would continue to see some of that at the start of this last decade, in 2010, 2011, and even 2012, but then it petered off noticeably.

Light Seer’s Tarot

That was also the decade of organized, registered groups like the American Tarot Association and the Tarot Certification Board of America, and while both would continue into the beginning part of this decade, they, too, would fade in relevancy, especially after 2015, the midpoint.

Prisma Visions Tarot

As for deck art, I recall seeing a lot more natural art at that time, between 2000 and 2010. Tarot decks were hand-drawn start to finish, were done in oil paints, watercolors, acrylics, colored pencil– and you could actually see technical imperfections in the line work. I don’t even say that critically; I say that nostalgic for the times before tarot deck art got photoshopped and digitally edited to oblivion.

Bad Bitches Tarot

Now let’s talk about 2010 to 2019:

I’m entering my 30s at this time. I’ve long since paid off all student loans, am married, settled down, so my interest in and ability to “deck collect” is growing. I mention that because those conditions will color my experiences.

My impression is that the craze for oracle decks starts to catch on after 2010. More and more oracle decks are being offered on the consumer market. Lenormand and Kipper have always been around, sure, but they surge in popularity during the early part of this decade.

Triple Goddess Tarot

Meanwhile, an interesting ideological schism is happening during this time. Those who had set down their tarot roots in the last decade and just happen to get their tarot works published in this decade are still in the zone of “these are the tarot card meanings and this is how you tarot.” Of course I’m painting broad strokes and speaking in generalizations here.

But then those who found tarot during this decade (especially after 2016) and gain their popularity, platform, and public voice at this time are proponents of a new rising school of thought: throw out the book and trust your guts. (Also, every card in the tarot deck now means self-care and own your power…)

Way of the Panda Tarot

Don’t get me wrong– there has always been a subculture and subcommunity within the tarot world of fortune-teller style tarot reading that was in disregard of textbook card meanings. But it was seen as exactly that: one of many subcommunities within tarot. Whereas in the 2010s, I’ve been hearing more and more young, influential tarot voices preaching that throw-the-books-out gospel applied to all of tarot.

Divine Muses Oracle

2010 through 2019 has also been the decade of social media. Tarot totally went digital. Back between 2000 and 2009, almost every tarot person I knew online had an in-person tarot practice, professional or otherwise, and did in-person face to face readings. And then they went online just to find some like-minded tarot friends.

The Crow Tarot

Today, there are a lot of tarot professionals offering online readings who have never done in-person readings before or who prefer not to do in-person readings. That’s okay, and totally cool. I don’t think that’s for worse or for better. I’m just pointing out the change. It’s a point of evolution in tarot.

Modern Witch Tarot

Online tarot content is also now photography and video focused. It’s been harder and harder for me to find in-depth deck reviews. I’m not referring to the one-paragraph consumer reviews on shop sites. I mean blogs. Heck, even in-depth deck critiques on video would be nice. But instead we get mainly deck walk-throughs and first impressions, where yeah, now I get to see every single card in the deck before I buy (unlike the decade prior), but deck criticism isn’t a thing anymore (not using the word “criticism” in the negative way; I mean like literary criticism… deck reviews that read like New York Times book reviews… you get it, right? Okay.).

Luna Sol Tarot

After Aeclectic went defunct in 2017, I personally started to notice a parallel universe phenomenon in the tarot world. There were these tight-knit tarot communities on Facebook, people orbiting around the tarot Old Guards and interacting with each other in a closed loop, attending tarot conferences.

And then there is this whole other universe of tarot social media influencers that the Old Guard know nothing about…

Amenti Feather Heart Oracle

This second universe lives on YouTube, have 300K+ subscribers to their channels because your tarot reader looks like a Victoria’s Secret model, and 300K+ more following their beautifully curated Instagram feeds where everything is always well-lit, color-coordinated, and compositionally balanced.

Luminous Void Tarot

In this decade (2010 – 2019), compared to decades prior, we saw a strong emergence of teaching tarot business. I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I want to shout praise, “Hallelujah!” Tarot readers, the really good ones that deserve all the success, are notoriously bad at business admin, branding, marketing, and promoting themselves. So having business, marketing, and branding courses geared specifically at tarot readers is wonderful news. We as an industry and professional community need that.

Herbcrafter’s Tarot

On the other hand, the pendulum has swung too far the other way. I think there’s a difference between, “So you’ve been a struggling tarot professional for the last five years and just can’t seem to break through and make a good living with your work? Need some pointers on how to run your business?” and “Since you have no other technical skills to speak of and can’t hold down a 9-to-5 job, let’s learn tarot in 7 days and launch your business in 3! All you need is an Instagram account…”

Alchemystic Woodcut Tarot

Between 2000 and 2009, I remember seeing correspondence courses for learning how to read the tarot, or learning about tarot and numerology, tarot and astrology– like I said, I felt like at least what I was getting exposed to as a consumer was focused heavily on learning tarot.

Starchild Tarot

Especially after 2015, most of what I’m exposed to as a consumer is how to go pro, how to quit my stinking dead-end day job and make six figures from card slinging.

There is less educational focus on tarot ethics, how to be the best reader possible for the querent, how to handle different types of tarot reading situations, and a whole lot more focus on how to make my tarot website and Instagram feed peachy pretty.

The Venetian Tarot

From 2015 onward, the production quality of decks achieved new heights and consumer expectations have gotten a little out of control (in my opinion). Everyone cares about cardstock now. (I seriously do not recall anyone bitching about cardstock before 2010, except maybe light jokes about Lo Scarabeo… am I wrong about this?) Every other deck is now gilded. Packaging matters.

Golden Thread Tarot

By the way, there are some interesting ironies here. China really asserted its economic power on the global stage in the 2010s (this decade), so it’s during these last ten years that more and more decks were being made primarily in China. Between 2000 and 2010, you still had a lot of decks being printed in Europe. So while it was being printed in Europe, the cardstock was often thin, came in tuck boxes that would get frayed and bent out of shape within the year, and yet no one complained.

Then in the 2010s when manufacturing moved almost entirely to China, everyone complains if the cardstock isn’t perfection, everything needs to be gilded, and the box better be heirloom quality. And when it’s not, everyone whines, “Omigod, it’s because Made in China…”

The Kokeshi Tarot

I want to say that the 2010s onward saw a rise in indie publishing for tarot, but that’s not really true. The world of tarot has always been subversive and anti-establishment. Aleister Crowley was self-publishing books, texts on tarot and the occult, etc. and self-published tarot correspondence courses with self-edited workbooks were a thing since and before the time of Paul Foster Case. There has always been a pamphleteer culture around the publication of tarot and occult literature.

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot

Maybe what we can say is in the 2010s, an indie deck creator or tarot content creator now had more access to resources to compete on equal if not better footing than traditional publishers.

I think before 2010, when a tarot deck or book was self-published, it looked self-published and you just knew without a second glance that it was self-published, whereas after 2010, especially in the last few years, the self-published stuff looks worlds better than the mass market stuff!

Tabula Mundi Tarot

At every point in tarot history since the 1400s, the cards and card readers have reflected the sociopolitical climate of the time. Between 2010 and 2019 (though really, the sharp turn came after 2017), tarot deck art reflected a sociopolitical climate that bolstered LGBTQIA+ representation and bringing more BIPOC voices to the table. Call-out culture over cultural appropriation rocked the tarot community just as much as it rocked the rest of society.

Book of Azathoth Tarot

Tarot reading is often considered a female profession, so let’s talk about feminism. Up until 2010, we were still riding the tail of third wave feminism and one of the prominent issues facing third wave feminism between 2000 and 2009 was its tense relationship with second wave feminism. I was growing up and going to school learning about feminism from second wave feminist professors teaching from a syllabus focused primarily on first wave feminism, while I would have been categorized as a third wave feminist. And so I think those are some really interesting dynamics going on.

Mystical Tarot

Between 2000 and 2009, feminism expressed itself in tarot decks through goddess-centered pagan art, and while that certainly continued into this decade (and will probably never die), there was also a rise between 2010 and 2019 of feminism through female empowerment and intersectional feminism.

Between 2000 and 2009, in academic circles we were just beginning to understand the intersectionality of ethnic studies and gender studies, which had always been kept as rather separate and distinct departments. The awareness began in the early 2000s, so didn’t really start to take active hold until this decade, 2010 to 2019, i.e., fourth wave feminism. And that’s reflected in the evolution of tarot deck art as well.

Tarot de St. Croix

That one perennial thing that never seems to die in the tarot world: tarot superstitions.

I’m amused that even in 2019, we are still sincerely debating about whether you need to be gifted your first deck, or should you wrap your cards in black silk, does the tarot come from Egypt (btw, I have some nuanced speculations on that front…), and do you have to read with reversals.

Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, Vitruvian Edition

My tarot book, Holistic Tarot, came out right at the midpoint of the decade, in 2015, and my deck, the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot, came out at the tail end–the First Edition in late 2018 and the Vitruvian Edition earlier this year in 2019. So the decade has been good to me. =)

I am optimistic about what is in store for the tarot world in the decade to come. What are your predictions? And, reflecting backward, what are your thoughts and commentary on the 2010s for tarot?

Speaking of old school pamphleteering, I have a Google Group where on occasion I send out my thoughts on various metaphysical topics, which can include free pdf downloads, and more. Check out the archive of past updates here.

23 thoughts on “The Tarot World 2010 – 2019: Decade in Review

  1. Sally

    I’m so glad you wrote this piece on the last 2 decades of Tarot!! I bought my first Tarot deck and book way back in 1984, after my son was born. The deck was Crowley’s Thoth deck and the book was by Angeles Arien. (I hope that spelling is correct) The pillars of the Tarot world for me were Mary Greer and Rachel Pollack. I had maybe 2-3 decks including Motherpeace (Round! Female!). My education in Tarot was piecemeal and I had few decks—traditional and bought the old fashioned way….in bookstores….on faith.
    I have a habit of purging every 10 years so basically I didn’t revisit Tarot until I retired—2013. I started taking lessons via Skype with a well known Tarotist but then I discovered Facebook, tarot groups, holistic tarot and The wild unknown.
    I like formal education but I want the nod to intuition. I do like the contemporary decks and your hand drawn decks for obvious reasons: we live in a different world and we need to acknowledge real faces and real drawings. XO Sally


  2. Kat MuirWoo

    Thanks for your write up ☺️ Very interesting to hear the last 20 year history!

    I first encountered card reading in the early 90s with oracle decks! I am so amused that you couldn’t remember encountering any in the 2000s. They were the two decks by Jamie Sams. I was introduced through a friend of the family using the Medicine Cards deck, and got the Sacred Path Cards for my own use. I used and studied them for awhile, but my interest died down and didn’t go back until 2015 or 2016, at which point I learned the concept of the more structured tarot.

    I decided to try to “reconnect” and started learning more about tarot and decided to dive in. I got the Wildwood tarot as my first deck of this revived path, and YOUR book! I’m glad to have found you. I’m glad you published Holistic Tarot. Your approach to, well, everything lines up well with my goals. It’s comforting to feel as though I have “dry land” that I can go back to and ground me when I go out and about and learning things elsewhere.


  3. Gabrielle

    I would not be able to do a decade of tarots, because I got most of my decks in the last few years. Card stock is very important to me, but I would not turn away a Greenwood Tarot. I have a weakness for unusual,well I think it is, but it is a matter of opinion, Classics and difficult to get hold, have waited a long while for the price to be right with some decks.

    Deck with Youtube walk through links

    1. Rumi Tarot Nigel Jackson

    2.Spirit Keeper 1st & 2nd edition Benebell Wen

    3. Rider Waite Smith Commemorative Tarot and Tin I also got a Lenormand in the same style

    4. Spolia Tarot

    5.Medicine tarot Jessica Zinchuk

    6. Slow Holler Tarot collaborative artist deck

    7. Alchemical Tarot 4th edition Robert Place

    8. The Raziel Tarot: the Secret Book of Adam and Eve Robert Place Majors is planing on doing a whole deck.

    Have a Happy Festive Season Fruitful and prosperous New Year!


  4. Great post! we started same topic on forum!;) lol Mucha definitively one of my top fav!;)
    haha! funny how we were on same spot in last decade!;) lucky it got better!^^ lol
    agree there were no way to preview All cards we have now so Big Thank You my fav youtubers!;D also good point ig is a thing now!;D & plenty of learning opportunities is also good thing for newbs!;D also *costumer is always right!;D so there is no such thing as over demanding consumer!^^ & if we weren’t *b about cardstock before that was only bc we Didn’t know it can be better!^^ & sad fact China manufacture is leading quality not just tarot but Anything, so hopefully EU/US will catch up & i’m talking Print on Demand imo These Are What truly make difference for indie /selfpublishing bloom?!;D lol
    hm, you are right we were lucky to get Any deck (at least in my part of the world!;)
    yes AT made a difference! still hope we’ll get it back one day!;D
    god point about imperfect lineart it can be + in Tarot!;) agree *Oracle expanded last decade & imo we can thank that to DV & new age craze?;) lol So True about empowering & self care!;D btw luv *cultural appropriation!;D agree we had it good last decade hopefully it’ll keep getting better can’t wait to see direction it’ll take?;) thank you for great summary & reviews & All Good things you were Sharing with our Tarot community last decade! let’s keep it up next as well!;D lol


  5. It’s an exciting time for deck creators with all the possibilities to create such high-end products. It’s a great feeling to see your work transformed into something so professional looking. And it seems like everyone these days is getting so good at photographing and presenting their work and themselves.

    I think an interesting progression for the next decade might be a return to some kind of “tarot-realness” or grittiness.

    A return to some form of “zine-culture” or pamphleteering as you mentioned would be fun. I’d like to see people bringing more of their real selves and their personal tarot life into their work and their online presence. More niche building, less monoliths.

    I’d also love to see some more informal kind of tarot conferences develop. I’m not sure what that would look like, but something more affordable for more people for starters and with a looser structure. Sometimes less really is more.

    I also think how we “market” our work and ourselves is going to change. Many of the old ways of are just not working anymore and have become real tiresome for everyone. The style of how we reach people with our messaging is going to evolve and become more relevant to how we think and live now. They used to say “The medium IS the message” but I’m not sure that’s true anymore as mediums have so proliferated and everyone is looking at each other to see how to use them. I think now the message is the message. The people who figure that out are going to lead the way.


  6. MJ

    Wow, thanks for sharing this perspective on recent tarot history. I am fairly new to tarot (I got my first oracle deck in 2012 and then first tarot deck in 2015), and I totally agree with you regarding the lack of in-depth tarot reviews and critiques. I’ve actually grown somewhat tired of the basic walk-throughs and would love to see more deck reviewers/scholars/writers follow up months and years later to share what their long term experience has been with a deck. What I would like to see over the next decade are more POC tarot scholars, as well as the emergence of some modern, symbolically rich “classic” tarot decks that aren’t so reliant on the RWS and are not culturally appropriative. I also would like to see more contemporary versions of the Marseilles deck.


  7. Hey Benebell and Husband, season greetings to you both. I hope you dont get a holiday Benebell as I dont like to think of you going bonkers! 🙂 Seriously though Lady, some down time is NOT a bad thing. Loved this post as your succinct overview paints a broader picture for me to ponder. Where too for Tarot in the next decade? My hope is that more Indie makers will publish. Perhaps technology will allow us to move through portals and meet as holograms to offer readings? 🙂


  8. Pingback: The Tarot World 2010 – 2019: Decade in Review — benebell wen | ravenhawks' magazine

  9. pageofghosts

    Thank you for your post. I especially agree with your points regarding the loss of in-depth deck discussion or critiques (mainly since the loss of Aeclectic), and so I greatly appreciate your own thorough reviews. Please don’t stop doing them! 🙂


  10. Amber

    I definitely can relate to some of these experiences. I was a teenager in the 00-09 decade and that’s when I first got into Tarot. I will admit, my experience was Tarot and Oracle was vastly different than yours in that decade, as I got into Oracle first and that led to my interest in Tarot. I found the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud while browsing Borders (the new age/metaphysical/Witchy sections) and from there I went through the binder they kept with all the deck listings and ooh’d and aah’d at all the fancy Tarot and Oracle decks. I remember thinking the selection was unlimited at the time, but of course I was 12-13 so things looked different back then. I became interested in Tarot again much later. I did not get into the online Tarot scene for a long while until July of 2017, a cursed time… I discovered Aeclectic Tarot exactly 2 days before the Forum was set to shut down. I wish I had ventured into the online Tarot scene before and been able to be active on the Forum during its day. I grew up with Discussion Forums and I miss that format. Facebook groups are great and all, but it lacks the depth and I feel like it is harder to make friends. Speaking of friends, I feel like the Tarot community is rather splintered. It can feel a bit clique-ish to newcomers to the scene. I wish I could say I feel part of the community but I do not even after 3 years being active in it, I have yet to make a single friend in the online Tarot community. That could be 100% be my fault due to my introversion, but I can’t imagine I’m the only one who has felt out of place. It isn’t exactly for lack of trying, I just feel like an outsider.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. It’s only until recent years that I’ve delved further into my tarot practice and explore other deck possibilities. Though, I have to give thanks to you for introducing me to the Tarot of the Holy Light!
    For me, it encompasses everything (alchemical and astrology) that I use within my metaphysical practice. It’s a very advanced deck with complex meanings and this will help me explore different facets of the tarot and metaphysical realm.

    Regarding the “Decade in Review”, there has been an atomic explosion of interests in “alternative spirituality” (witchcraft/Wiccan, pagan, occult, tarot, yogic philosophies, etc). Honestly, many of these practices came from a social change and growth of ways for self-improvement.
    It’s no surprise that almost 50 yrs. ago the “hippie” lifestyle and New Age beliefs/ practices emerged. As we enter a new decade, there will be many who will continue to follow their own spiritual growth. But I feel society needs to start maturing and bringing their beliefs into a serious realm. I occasionally take part in quite a few online discussion groups, and I’m still finding the younger (primarily Millennials) are still lost in making sense of their “spiritual practice” and, more or less, just doing the practice and not fully understanding it. This takes time and patience. And in the fast-paced digital world, I feel many expect spiritual changes to occur immediately. It simply doesn’t work like that. Many spend decades practicing and refining their beliefs.

    By the time 2030 arrives the Millenial generation will be in their 30’s and things will have shifted for them in a great way. Perhaps those who can continue on and remain firmly dedicated to their practice and beliefs will understand some of what they were questioning a decade prior. 🌛🌚🌜


    1. Amber

      Most Millenials ARE in their 30s, many Millenials are pushing 40 right now. Just because someone is younger than you and explores their spirituality in a different way does not make them or their path any less valid.


      1. Thank you for the reply. There seems to be varying thoughts about the year of Millenials. My response also references those who are in their 20’s and basing it from online discussions that I’ve taken part. It’s from my persective that some of the young generation are having difficulty in understanding certain aspects of various practices. We all mature at various levels in our lives.


  12. Dave Kidd

    Hi, fascinating article, thank you. As someone who came to reading in the last two or three years, I was particularly interested in the comments you made about later readers being more into throwing away the book. I learned from someone who believed you could do that but who actively encouraged her students like me who wanted to really read for others well (and indeed professionally) to get stuck into the literature, learn the book meanings and understand if you were deviating from them for intuitive reasons. This seems to be a recurring theme amongst experienced readers/tutors that I follow on the online community. Intuition rules but the more you know about the cards and understand them and study them, the deeper into a question your intuition can take you.
    As a male reader, I was also interested in your comment that tarot is often seen as a female profession. I’m in UK and I’d say that its probably 60:40 female to male readers here (by my non-scientific estimate – though I spend a lot of time in spiritual centres such as Glastonbury, so Its fairly representative I’d say. Querents however, my professional experience as a reader is that 90%+ are female.
    Anyway, I’ve rambled on long enough, thanks for the interesting, as ever, article.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Barghest

    This is a really interesting review. I wasn’t really involved in tarot communities until recently, so it’s fascinating to see a round up.

    One thing I find curious (on youtube at least) is the big gap between wholly-positive walkthroughs and the more aggressive criticisms that seem to be more like personal attacks than neutral critiques ( I haven’t experienced any, just observed them).

    It seems as if many people are afraid of reviewing honestly in case they are labelled as negative, but if some problem does gain momentum it seems to escalate astonishingly fast. Perhaps the increased personal interaction via social media is the cause, it must be hard to critique a deck when a reviewer knows the human behind the work, but it also leaves makers more vulnerable to pile-ons. A double-edged sword perhaps.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. O.L.P.

    I’m hoping more sacred masculine type decks will come out. Hopefully ones that aren’t too macho or sexy. There are so many goddess-centered decks. Why not some posi godly male role models?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. L C

    Hi Benebell. I really like this and am glad you pulled everything together to think about in this way. I remember when it was difficult to find someone who could talk about tarot, and now, so many people have contact with it. I kind of miss the days when a floppy worn out deck was the norm. I love in person reading and it never crossed my mind until now that there are readers online who have never done an in person reading, or just a very few. Ty for all the content you gifted us this decade. Linda.


  16. This was a really interesting read! I’ve been learning Tarot for 5 months now and have been told from multiple sources not to focus too much on the book and use my intuition. But my intuition tells me to learn the books. Thank you for clarifying this, as well as imparting wisdom on a number of other thoughts I’ve been having.


  17. Wonderfully thorough, Benebell! I appreciate the weather report.

    I went into a self-imposed Tarot and Astrology radio silence in 2015, woke back up so to speak 2 weeks before the shutdowns started 3/19/20… which I am thankful for as then I owned it rather than some kick in the rump from external forces. It was simply time. My perennial cicada sleep woke back up to a different landscape In the garden, though, so to speak. Aeclectic had been R.I.P from one side of the pond in Oz since 2017 ???, the Annikin Divination Site in the UK seemingly never loading in the browser, feigning MIA? There was the wonderful Tarot Garden still here in the US. Tarosophy In the UK, The Tarot School in NYC and Readers Studio — though of course not this year. It was a pleasure seeing Lisa de St. Croix’s “Tarot de St. Croix above in your reviews.

    New world, new times. Now that I’m back, it’s a pleasure having found your blog here. Excellent work, Benebell!


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