Invoking the Goddess: Oracle and Action by Lisa de St. Croix

Goddess oracle decks have been enjoying a resurgence in popularity as of late, coinciding with what feels like a global, collective acknowledgement of the divine feminine. Some of them have missed the mark, with cries from the community about cultural appropriation [also watch here and another here] but Invoking the Goddess is one done right, and as powerful as it is beautiful, a model to be followed.

Lisa de St. Croix, metaphysical artist and creator of the Tarot de St. Croix, which I’ve reviewed before here, has given us the Invoking the Goddess: Oracle and Action, which she self-published this year and are now available for purchase here on the shop page of her website. 

Invoking the Goddess is a circle oracle deck consisting of 33 cards. The watercolor paintings were done by Lisa through a special layered wash technique, which is what gives these works of art their vibrancy. You can check out the original 8″ x 8″ watercolor paintings here on her website. 

The oracle cards are double-sided, so the way I work with them is by closing my eyes while I shuffle, and pulling a card without looking.

This isn’t one of those decks where you set a spread of 20 cards or sling it out into a Celtic Cross, no. The energy of the deck is palpable, and all you need is to draw one.

Hold the deck in both palms, close your eyes, shuffle, and as you shuffle, visualize your question converting to energy and push that energy out your hands and into the cards.

When you feel ready, pull a card, open your eyes, and connect to the imagery of the goddess.

The diverse representation of multiple pantheons and traditions is beautifully and reverently done. On the text side of each card, one key symbol associated with the goddess is pictured, along with a call to action, addressed to you, straight from that goddess.

There’s a raw spirit to the art on this deck, and I love how natural it feels. A lot of the goddess oracle decks on the market right now rely heavily on digital photo editing, high production, and digital manipulation. So I’m deeply appreciative of the natural beauty here.

Although the deck does not come with a guidebook, you don’t need one. Everything you need is printed right there on the text side of the cards.

The bold coloring and the circular card shape that reminds me of chakra wheels does something to my consciousness when I work with this deck.

Combining artistry and metaphysical knowledge, Lisa de St. Croix has really calibrated this deck for goddess invocation. It’s quite impressive.

Among cartomancers, circle decks can be contentious. Some love them and others turn their noses up at the thought of them. For me, it depends. They can feel more novelty than practical if it’s a tarot deck, but here for the Invoking the Goddess, once I’ve seen it as a circle deck, I can’t imagine it any other way. This deck had to be made this way. It’s perfect for the concept.

The circle cards come to life in your hand. It’s got its own unique energetic imprint, and you almost can’t deny that it’s there. Whereas some of the more commercialized and high-production-value goddess oracle decks that I’ve handled don’t come to life in your hands with that kind of energy.

If you’ve been wondering how you can integrate your spirituality into your everyday life, get Invoking the Goddess Oracle and Action.

The divine call to action on each card gives you a starting point that guides your state of mind and spiritual practice.

You can hear the voice of Spirit through the poetic verses on the cards, which also help to introduce you to the energies and powers associated with that particular goddess.

For professional tarot readers, pulling a single card from Invoking the Goddess to round out a reading session gives your client a sense of divine protection, and also a direction of spiritual practice to go in.

So much guidance is offered in these cards. They add that deepened layer of meaning and divine connection to a divinatory reading.

The cardstock is very thin. I’m guessing around 300 to 330 gsm. I would have preferred a much heavier cardstock for a goddess oracle guidance deck, even going up to 400 gsm, but that’s a personal preference. Some may prefer the thinner cardstock for easier shuffling.

Oh, and the cards come in a circle-shaped box! That’s so cool! They’re just the most beautiful deck of cards to keep out on a coffee table or to the side of your work space.

I’ve been pulling cards for friends and family from the Invoking the Goddess Oracle and Action by Lisa de St. Croix and everyone has remarked about how resonant readings with the deck is. There’s a nurturing energy to Invoking the Goddess, a soft yet powerful presence, and it feels maternal. Absolutely beautiful. Highly recommend that you take a closer look at this deck and consider it for your collection.

Buy Invoking the Goddess Oracle and Action.


Disclosure: I was gifted this deck by the creator but with no expectation or pressure of writing a review. Invoking the Goddess and my own tarot deck are printed by the same manufacturer.

3 thoughts on “Invoking the Goddess: Oracle and Action by Lisa de St. Croix

  1. Liz

    Oh! I just adore this wonderful deck and agree with your comments…. close your eyes shuffle and draw one at a time…. agree the card stock is way too thin…. but I’ve gotten over that as the beauty and vibrancy of the deck outweighs the card stock. One thing you didn’t mention is the tactile feeling of the cards…. there’s just something really nice almost a slight roughness that makes me love touching the cards. It’s just a stunning deck!


  2. Pingback: Tarot de St. Croix (Borderless Edition) – benebell wen

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