Is the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot (SKT) for Beginners?

While lurking I recently saw a comment that made me smile and chuckle. A person had asked whether the SKT would be a tarot deck suitable for total beginners. This person also e-mailed us at abelldelivers (which only the hubby J checks with any frequency, and I only respond back to emails delivered there if J has nagged me at minimum five times to sit down and reply to the querent to answer the question goddammit). Other times J will come in to my room, rephrase the person’s question, get my response, and I guess rephrase my response to answer that person directly. This turned out to be one of those other times.

In that thread, the commenter writes that we had replied to their inquiry and said that “yes, there is no reason why this deck could not be used as a beginner’s deck.”

My first thought was, wait, did I really say that?

Okay, here’s what happened. I totally remember now.

One day J comes into my room while I’m working and asks, “Is the SKT a good deck for a total tarot beginner?”

Here’s what I said.

“It depends on the person. It’s case-specific. What is that person’s pedagogical style? Do they plan on taking tarot study super seriously, in which case maybe begin with one of the more canonical traditional decks, like the TdM, RWS, or Thoth. For certain types of people, the SKT, especially our Revelation deck, can be a bit overwhelming and intense, and might not be the best deck for a total tarot beginner. It’s just going to cause unnecessary confusion. But if they for some reason love the deck and love what it’s about, in total sync with it, then the SKT could potentially open lots of doors, faster than usual. So it’s just really hard to say one way or the other.”

James then retorts, “It’s a yes or no question, honey.”

I say back, “There’s no reason why the SKT couldn’t be used by a total tarot beginner, especially if they’re okay with relying on the little white booklet only. That was my objective for writing the LWB. And then they can add as many layers, at their own pace, of meaning from the Book of Maps. Then from there decide in which direction they want to branch out in with respect to their tarot studies.”

James nodded and left. That was it.

It’s kind of amusing to see the end communication, which apparently was hubby replying with the one-liner of yah sure you can use the SKT as a beginner, without any of the wordy context I had provided.

That lovely exchange I happened to catch a glimpse of inspired this post, in case anyone else reading my blog ever had the same question.

15 thoughts on “Is the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot (SKT) for Beginners?

  1. druidwight

    I agree with you if the deck speaks to you it doesn’t matter what deck it is. It will lead you. Some decks for me stay at one level and are not multivalence. The SKT is and for me can be used Magickally. I think the SKT unlocks its teachings as you work with it. lol so like you and James said there is no reason why is can’t be used by a beginner and also the serious student of Tarot that sees it as a map of the Universe.

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  2. Any deck can be a “beginner deck” if one puts in the time and effort IMHO. They don’t need to have keywords printed on them, as I see so many doing now, which leads me to think that’s why people ask this question, but idk. Those weren’t around until more recently, not at the current level anyway. Same goes for tarot in general, though. Interesting times for sure 😊

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  3. As someone who regularly answers every question with ‘too much’ context or ‘well, yes and no – because…’ and whose partner often relays only bulletins, this post was RELATABLE! ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Anonymous

    hi Benebell,

    I gifted one each to my eldest and youngest daughter. My youngest daughter is the one who uses it most whenever we face time each other as she’s in Japan studying right now. While far away, there comes more questions and decisions to be made. So the SKT has been very helpful to us both. Thank you. My eldest daughter is busy with my 2 year old grandson so her time is more limiting to her energetic son.

    from Shelly

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  5. Anonymous

    At first I was even afraid to use the deck, thinking I must read all the books provided, understand every symbol. And then one day I said – that’s it, I will just try to use it as it is, with no knowldge at all, I have no time to read all the materials and I may not have time anytime soon and the deck is gorgeous and shuffles so well. And it worked perfectly fine, with no prior knowldge. So what if I did not know what traditional court cards correspond to what in SKT? Who knows how to interpret court cards peoperly anyway? 😂The images are so packed with references and different items to catch attention, that frankly there are more than enough hooks for intuition to build a story.

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  6. Anonymous

    I’m a total newbie and just bought the SKT deck. I think it arrives this Friday! Excited to get started with it as I wait for the Lulu printings.


  7. Anonymous

    I have the SKT Vitruvian and The Revelation decks. Both decks are amazing. I’ve been studying tarot since 2016 and I get incredibly straightforward and accurate readings from The Revelation deck. For instance, I drew the 9Sw reversed- “The Haunt” for my card of the day. (For context, I had pulled the card a couple of days prior to the actual day the card was drawn for.) My partner woke up that morning and told me about a dream he had about a flaming bear and a haunted house. The imagery of the card was freakishly similar to his dream. My question to you or whoever wants to answer me is this; how in the hell did The SKT Revellation predict my partner’s dream days before he actually had the freaking dream?!?!!


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