Is the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot (SKT) for Beginners?

While lurking I recently saw a comment that made me smile and chuckle. A person had asked whether the SKT would be a tarot deck suitable for total beginners. This person also e-mailed us at abelldelivers (which only the hubby J checks with any frequency, and I only respond back to emails delivered there if J has nagged me at minimum five times to sit down and reply to the querent to answer the question goddammit). Other times J will come in to my room, rephrase the person’s question, get my response, and I guess rephrase my response to answer that person directly. This turned out to be one of those other times.

In that thread, the commenter writes that we had replied to their inquiry and said that “yes, there is no reason why this deck could not be used as a beginner’s deck.”

My first thought was, wait, did I really say that?

Okay, here’s what happened. I totally remember now.

Continue reading “Is the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot (SKT) for Beginners?”

Cosmic Wisdom Tarot by Ethony and James Fenner

Page of Swords from the Cosmic Wisdom Tarot

The illustrations for the Cosmic Wisdom Tarot has this nostalgic and heartwarming animations-of-your-childhood storybook style to it that is then paired with one of the coolest tarot card meanings guidebook I’ve come across.

Cosmic Wisdom Tarot Guidebook – page spread for The Magician card

I love the creative mind-map layout for the card meanings. Each card comes with a definitive “this card means yes” or “this card means no” in the case of asking a yes or no question to the cards. I love the bullet points of keywords and single-sentence thesis for each card, upright and reverse, and then the breakdown of symbolism, which is also going to help you learn the RWS system.

The Majors. Click on photo for enlarged close-up view.

The Cosmic Wisdom Tarot is outfitted to be a great beginner’s deck, if you or someone you know is looking for one, because in addition to the RWS-keyed deck art, the guidebook does a great job presenting the tarot as a versatile tool, whether you are interested in learning it for divination, for self-discovery and personal growth, spiritual cultivation, or for inspiring your creativity.

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