Antiviral Oil: Holistic Wellness Meets Occult Praxis

Let’s make it unambiguously clear that nothing herein is science or evidence-based medicine.

For the last three years, J and I have been routinely applying this multi-purpose antiviral treatment (in addition to getting vaccinated, boosting up the wazoo, and making prudent judgment calls with regard to masking). I sincerely believe this treatment oil has kept us Covid-free throughout the pandemic.

Oh, and not to mention, it’s great for my scalp, controlling dandruff, and promoting hair growth. Just a totally random incidental benefit. =)

You can convert the basic recipe into a mouth wash. Historically a myrrh mouth rinse was used after tooth extractions because the myrrh oil kills bacteria and sanitizes.

The base recipe also makes for a fantastic cologne. I get so many compliments about the scent when I wear this as a cologne.

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