Inner Light Tarot by Serena Borsella

Before I read anything about this deck, as I set down the first two rows of cards, my immediate first impression was this has to do with yoga.

And that all made sense when I read that the creator, Serena Borsella, is a yoga coach.

The Inner Light Tarot is modern femme boho-chic. It radiates with the light of a California summer sun, inspiring harmony of physical, mental, and spiritual discipline, to achieve union of body, mind, and spirit.

It’s about loving yourself, your body, clean beauty, and embodying the wellness lifestyle. Its values are clean beauty and inner peace.

Deck comes in a tuck box and includes a little white booklet.

There’s a lot here to love — promoting physical fitness, mental relaxation, and meditation.

Everyone, even the graceful figures in the 5 of Pentacles, 10 of Wands, 3 of Swords, 9 of Swords, and the stabby-stabbed 10 of Swords lady look to be at peace.

I’ve noticed in terms of tarot deck illustrations, it either leans graphic design savvy or it leans fine arts. This deck to me feels like it leans graphic design savvy.

The deck aesthetic fully encapsulates the current trending cultural movement of holistic wellness, self-empowerment through self-improvement, and positive thinking, perhaps calling to mind’s target market.

I do love the renaming of the Knights to Warriors, and Kings to Goddesses.

The artist’s consistency of the color palette is impressive. The amount of discipline and self-control that it takes to achieve such exacting consistency mirrors the discipline and self-control that are thematic in the Inner Light Tarot.

The little white booklet that comes with the deck is pretty decently written, by the way. It’s written in a practical style, intended for self-reflective divination purposes. The attributed text for the 5 of Swords, for instance, is to remember that your words are powerful, so don’t say things you might regret. Use expressiveness when showing love, if you want to receive love in return.

The Temperance card reads: “Abandon your need for control and allow yourself to be surprised by the world around you. Stay within the flow.” For The Devil card: “You need to indulge in deep inner contemplation to bring your shadows into the light. The temptation to run away from pain may be strong.”

There’s much to love about the Inner Light Tarot and what Borsella has achieved here. I appreciate how it reflects the diversity of the world around me and how it strives to be inclusive, with positive messages of loving yourself in your own body. It’s modern femme, blending pentagrams, pagan veneration of the moon, and sacred geometry with whimsical bohemian vibes.

FTC Disclosure:In accordance with Title 16 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 255, “Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising,” I received this deck from its publisher for prospective review. Everything I’ve said here is sincere and accurately reflects my opinion of the deck.

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