Self-Help Tarot Journaling (Transformative Tarot Counseling)

Skill Level: All (General)

This is the second video presentation of Sightsee the Tarot, a new series I just started on my YouTube channel.

If you haven’t watched the first presentation yet, the Nine-Card Open Face Spread from Jung and Tarot by Sallie Nichols, go watch that and then return to this session, because we’ll be building on what was covered about Jung and Tarot.

Since this is a journaling-only session where the tarot cards you’ll be working with will appear across the screen for you, you won’t need your own deck and you don’t even need any knowledge whatsoever of the tarot.

Attributions for the cards you’ll be journaling through are going to be provided for you, given through the perspective of Jungian archetypes and applicable in a psychological approach to the tarot.

Start by downloading the supplemental handout linked below. It’s going to be a 10-page PDF file.

Tarot Journaling Hand-Out

Applying Transformative Tarot Counseling Techniques

You can print it out and write directly on the handout sheets, then add it to your tarot journal, or you can copy the questions longhand into your tarot journal and work directly from the pages of your notebook.

This guided journaling session is intended to help you work through any anxieties or frustrations you currently face and arrive at different perspectives, gained insights, and realizations of the answer.

Subject | Key 1 The Magus or Key 2 The Priestess

For the first card we’re journaling through, you’ll be selecting from either Key 1 or Key 2 to represent you. You project your sense of identity out onto the archetype of either the magus or the high priestess and then work through prompts to gain a different perspective of yourself.

This is insight into the inner divine masculine or inner divine feminine, and applying core counseling techniques in a tarot journaling prompt for yourself to help you better realize the anima or animus.

Although I’m a straight female, Key 1: The Magus pulled at me more and I felt I identified more with the magus than the high priestess while going through this exercise, so I journaled with The Magus. In other words, you don’t just simply choose Key 1 because you’re a guy and Key 2 because you’re a girl. It’s more about how you identify with the archetypal energies these keys represent.

Known, Conscious | Key 12 The Hanged Man

For the second card, we’ll all be journaling through The Hanged Man from the New Era Elements Tarot as feaured in the video. There are many reasons I chose this card. In esoteric tarot, it’s considered the most important card in the tarot deck for truly understanding the tarot. It’s the card that facilitates the initiation (which comes after, in Key 13: Death), or transformation of consciousness.

If you’re coming in to this journaling session with a sincere intent to work through a problem you’re facing, then more likely than not you feel a bit like the hanged man and need to figure out what next course of steps to take to progress forward. So it’s just a great card for processing current anxieties, fears, and roadblocks.

Also, it kind of works out perfectly that when this video is produced, the year 2019, 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12, so we’re in the year of the Hanged Man.

Unknown, Unconscious | Key 3 The Empress

Since we’re working with The Hanged Man as the known and conscious, the underlying Key with a common numerological denominator is Key 3 in the tarot, The Empress. Thus, working with that attribution, we journal through The Empress to retrieve insights from our own unconscious, the layers underneath our current known anxieties, fears, and roadblocks.

Next Step | Key 4 The Emperor

The Emperor is a critical card in the tarot Majors to work through for personal sovereignty and achieving a sense of self-determination. It’s about independence and coming in to your own. It also happens to follow Key 3: The Empress in the consecutive order of the Majors. The coming year, 2020, will incidentally be an Emperor year (2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4).

In the next video of this series, we will be moving out of the world of tarot psychology and into the realm of fortune-telling and predictive readings with the tarot, working with the techniques and reading style of Eden Gray. Be sure to check the Series Page for the scheduled upload.

Sightsee the Tarot: Series Page

Click on the Series Page for a List of All Episodes

5 thoughts on “Self-Help Tarot Journaling (Transformative Tarot Counseling)

  1. Pingback: Sightsee the Tarot: Video Series – benebell wen

  2. Pingback: New Era Elements Tarot by Eleonore F. Pieper, Ph.D. – benebell wen

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