Gemstones and Crystals Glossary


I love gemstones and crystals. I also like to keep a personal glossary of metaphysical correspondences for the gemstones and crystals I acquire. That’s what this document for free download is. I’m sharing with you my personal glossary in hopes it might be of use to you.

I’m providing both the PDF and DOCX for free download below. Both the DOCX and PDF versions have “smart headings,” so if you open the left-bar navigation pane in either Microsoft Word or your PDF viewer (in Adobe Reader they’re called bookmarks), you should be able to navigate between the alphabetically listed entries with ease. All correspondence reference tables at the back of the document are also enabled as “smart headings.”



The docx file is given to you so you can edit or redesign the document to suit your own needs.

You can also download a program, like Calibre, and convert one of these files to a PUB or MOBI file for your e-book reader.


  • First Posted: 2016 Aug 3
  • Updated: 2017 Aug 6
  • Updated: 2017 Sep 27
  • Updated: 2018 Sep 21
  • Last Updated: 2019 Oct 21

18 thoughts on “Gemstones and Crystals Glossary

  1. Amabel

    Oh dear, I’m getting into crystals/gemstones myself and I’m afraid your handout is just adding fuel to the fire of my budding addiction! 🙂 In all seriousness, thank you so much for this treasure trove of information.


  2. Melponeme_k

    The pdf was fantastic. I’m beginning to collect little stones as well because they are so beautiful.

    Despite their beauty some of these stones can be poisonous. Do not ingest them.

    Be especially careful about Pyrite. If you get it wet, it can form sulfuric acid fumes. Pyrite may also form a powdery form of sulfuric acid that looks white, if you see that wear gloves before touching it. I believe all Pyrite collectibles are coated to prevent oxidation but that doesn’t make it totally safe.

    Wash your hands thoroughly after touching any mineral.


  3. Jan

    I love stones! I have a few stones that I keep on the windowsill and I find them beautiful to look at. With regard to the issue of “working” with stones, I cannot say that stones have revealed their mysteries to me, but I do enjoy having them around and maybe that’s enough.


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  6. Debi Brandon

    Holy Moly… First, thank you for the updated list 🙂 but also a great big thank you for posting how to convert to an e-reader. I’m a huge Kindle fan and yet I had no idea how to do the mobi file thing for it. What a game changer!! And FREE! and EASY! Sheesh… Thank you!!


  7. Griffin Lee Kessler

    Thankyou Benebell. I was initially graced with your book Holistic Tarot as I started looking into the occult several years back, and happened across your website today seeking the SKT Revelation Edition and found this comprehensive Gemstone Glossary. I very much appreciate your works and willingness to share. You have expanded my awareness immensly. While SKT was not available at this juncture I will continue to seek it while traveling the path. I value your insight.


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