The Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards by Jade-Sky

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 02 Whole Set

The Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards by Jade-Sky and illustrated by Jane Marin is a beautifully produced high-gloss deck that features 44 gemstones and crystals. Jade-Sky is a self-professed psychic-medium and channel and Jane Marin, in addition to being an artist, is a healer and life coach. The two have come together to create a visually spectacular deck.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 04 Box Cover Open

No complaints here about the packaging. You’ve got a sturdy, high-gloss deck with an equally impressive companion guide.

Let’s start by having you choose a card, shall we? See below. Choose a card– left, center, or right, and remember which position you chose. We’ll revisit this reading later.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 05 Three Cards Select

The deck features mesmerizing photographic art, mostly abstract, and selected I’m guessing in large part to invoke color therapy. These cards are incredibly calming to gaze at. Cutely, I sort of used this deck as a checklist of the gemstones I have in my collection. In the below selection of cards, I’m missing apophyllite, cerussite, and chiastolite, admittedly stones I’ve never even heard of before.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 10 Cards

The imagery for each card is specifically selected to facilitate a connection between practitioner and the crystal in question, and by concentrating on that connection, you can experience the healing vibrations of the crystal… or so goes the companion guidebook.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 11 Cards

Proficient knowledge of the chakras would also be helpful, as the healing theory behind the Eternal Crystals oracle cards are grounded in chakra correspondences. By far the most redeeming quality about the deck is the invocation of color. Imagery is beautifully selected.

I’ve always wondered about the Western-centric correspondence between jade and the heart chakra. Is it just because the stone is green? Anyway…

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 12 Cards

The guidebook recommends calling upon your angels and spirit guides to help you use this deck and to show you how to use the deck. The text brings in significant instruction on visualization techniques and using gold light or white light. There is a distinct New Age tone to the deck and seems to zero in on the very same target market for New Age consumerism, i.e., educated, upper middle class women with a penchant for alternative spiritualism.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 13 Cards

For me the most invaluable aspect of Eternal Crystals is teaching me divinatory approaches with gemstones and crystals. After you draw a card from the deck, you can look up its entry in the guidebook to see how Jade-Sky interprets the divinatory message associated with that stone. Unakite, for instance, when drawn, denotes the need to focus on the present, and not dwell so much on the past or plan so far out into the future that you’re overlooking the joyous moments of now. I’ve never read unakite that way, but now I’ll be integrating that message into my practice. Zebra stone, for instance per the guidebook, is a divinatory message indicating one who is deeply compassionate toward animals.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 03 Box and Fan of Cards

Eternal Crystals holds significant educational value for those who seek direction on how to use gemstones and crystals in divination practice. Now let’s return to the three cards. I hope you remember which one you selected–left, center, or right.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 05 Three Cards Select

Here are the cards:

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 06 Selected Cards

Let’s start with the card on the left, Ruby. Ruby is associated with the root and sacral chakras here. The focus here would be on the self, on personal security, self-confidence, and grounding.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 07 Ruby (Book Entry)

Above you’ll see how the guidebook comes into play. The divinatory message of ruby is to think about what you want in your life and who you want. The theme of relationships is highlighted as the area of focus. Think of how you can reignite passion into your life.

The center card was citrine. Citrine relates to the solar plexus chakra. This is about personal power and summoning up the motivation you need to execute on your goals. In terms of gemstone correspondences, citrine is universally applied as a stone for business prosperity and financial success.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 08 Citrine (Book Entry)

If you had selected citrine, now is the time to focus on business matters, growth of your own prosperity, but also your creativity. Celebrate your creativity and perhaps combine creativity and business in a way that will fulfill you and bring abundance.

The final card on the right was turquoise, relating to the throat and heart chakras. Typically for me, in terms of chakra correspondences, I try to avoid crossovers between throat and heart chakras because they’re so different and distinct from each other that it can get confusing when one stone or crystal is treated as applicable to  both, but hey that’s just me. For me, turquoise is going to be more throat chakra than heart. Here we’re talking about knowledge, communication, and the expression of ideas.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 09 Turqoise (Book Entry)

If you had picked turquoise, you might be too fixated on just one thing right now that it’s becoming a bit unhealthy and you’re neglecting other facets of your life. As noted in the page from the guidebook above, the divinatory message from turquoise is a caution that there is imbalance of focus, and to seek out temperance again and not put all of your mental eggs into one basket.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 15 Tourmaline Card and Entry

In many of the guidebook entries, you also get suggested affirmations. For example, in the entry corresponding with tourmaline, you see the positive affirmation, “I ask for all negativity to be removed. I am clear and clean and so is this space. I am surrounded by pure white light and positive energy.”

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 14 Garnet Card and Entry

Interesting that the divinatory message for garnet is so similar to the one for ruby, and the garnet card was the first card I had selected when working with the deck and when I selected one of the three cards at random per the exercise above, I selected ruby. The universe must be trying to tell me something. Hmm.

Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards 01 Box Cover

Artist Jane Marin’s hand in this deck is truly what has made it great. The use of color is amazing and effective. I enjoyed reading through the guidebook to gain new perspectives on how to use gemstones and crystals for divination. While something about this deck for me gives a sense of it being an “outsider deck” in the tarot and oracle community I recognize, there is a wider mainstream appeal for this deck that transcends the niche community. For those who work closely with gemstones and crystals, you’re going to find useful insights from the Eternal Crystals oracle cards that will bridge together these stones and divination.


FTC Disclosure: In accordance with Title 16 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 255, “Guides Concerning Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising,” I received the Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards from Llewellyn for prospective review. Everything I’ve said here is sincere and accurately reflects my opinion of the deck.

6 thoughts on “The Eternal Crystals Oracle Cards by Jade-Sky

  1. This interests me because I have been using Crystal Reading Cards and finding them to be quite on point 😉 and these are gorgeous! Thank you for showing them!


  2. I am sooo skeptical of crystal oracle cards. I just never feel them doing the crystals they’re inspired by justice. I will say this for this deck, the colors are amazing and the way they’ve designed the entire cards around the stones natural colors is lovely. I do have this feeling that I’d be annotating swathes of the guide book with my own additions and crossouts.


  3. Charlene

    Bought this deck and it was so packed tight when I opened it the cards wouldn’t separate and the cards that did are beautiful but I would of loved the whole deck I paid for.


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